The International Society Issues in 2021


Society issue is something which is never-ending. It’s always good to know about what’s happening globally. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of international social issues that are prevalent in 2021.



Here are the International Society Issues in 2021



Unfortunately, the covid-19 pandemic is making more people becoming poor. Many people lost their job or had to shut their businesses due to the covid-19. Some companies have fired their employees, which is eventually leading them to struggle.

Additionally, poverty is in every country. There’re many people who are homeless, and nothing is being done for them.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse and forced child labor for prostitution is also dominating in many countries, especially in India. Homeless children or mothers are forced to become a victim of sexual abuse so that they can get some money to feed themselves.


With this evolving world, many people thought that racism would be extinct from this world. Unfortunately, this statement is invalid since some people still find it essential to pass racist comments or abuse other people because they’ve got a different skin color.

Gender Inequality

Again, as mentioned above, racism and gender inequality do not seem to be fading from this world. Some people still see man and woman differently which eventually lead to gender inequality. For example, in some countries, women are still not allowed to work, and they’re forced to get married and remain a housewife.

Youngsters Abusing on Illicit Drugs

It’s no surprise that these days youngsters are abusing and becoming dependent on illicit drugs such as heroin and cocaine. The reason behind this is simple. The law and punishment are not severe enough for people who do such kinds of trafficking. 


Globally, millions of people suffer from unemployment, mainly because the covid-19 has hit many employee’s careers.


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